Artist - The Fall Of Troy
Release - Manipulator
Genre - Progressive/Experimental/Punk/Post-Hardcore
Country - United States
Website - http://www.thefalloftroy.com
mySpace - http://www.myspace.com/thefalloftroy
Time - 47:29 Minutes
File Size - 65,40 Mb
Band Members:
Frank Black - Bass/Vox
Thomas Erak - Guitars/Vox
Andrew Forsman - Drums
1. A Man. A Plan. A Canal. Panama.
2. Caught Up
3. Cut Down All The Trees And Name The Street
4. Ex-Creations
5. Oh! The Casino!
6. Problem!
7. Quarter Past
8. Seattlantis
9. Semi-Fiction
10. Shhh!!! If You're Quiet, I'll Show You . . .
11. Sledgehammer
12. The Dark Trail