Artist - Saves The Day
Release - Ups & Downs, Early Recordings and B-Sides
Genre - Rock/Powerpop/Punk
Country - United States
Website - http:\\www.savestheday.com
Time - 43:57 Minutes
File Size - 57,60 Mb
Band Members:
Chris Conley - Vocals/Guitar
Arun Bali - Guitar/Vocals
Rodrigo Palma - Bass/Quark Configuration
Spencer Peterson - Drums Mudd
1. Ups and Downs
2. Sell My Old Clothes, I'm Off to Heaven
3. A Drag in D Flat
4. I'm Sorry I'm Leaving
5. Hold
6. Jessie and My Whetstone
7. Take Our Cars Now!
8. The Way His Collar Falls
9. The Art of Misplacing Firearms
10. East Coast
11. 1:19
12. An Afternoon Laughing
13. Dave Feels Right
14. When It isn't Like It Should Be
15. 1959
16. I Think I'll Quit (For the first pressing the song is mistitled as "Kentucky Parallel Parking." The song was made by Chris Conley's previous band, Sefler.)
17. Cheer (A cover, originally recorded by Descendents)
18. Clash City Rockers (A cover, originally recorded by The Clash)
19. Jessie and My Whetstone (Live 2003)