Houston We Have A Problem - Shipwreck


Artist - Houston We Have A Problem
Release - Shipwreck
Genre - Screamo/Hardcore/Punk
Country - United States
Website - Unknown
mySpace - http://www.myspace.com/hwhap
Time - 35:00 Minutes
File Size - 49,70 Mb

Band Members:
From right to left:

Brendan - Guitar
Eric - Drums
Matt - Bass
Brendan - Guitar

They don't have past members. they have friends that once shared this with us and will one day be back again to share more.

1. Bismarck, A Ship at War, Lost To The Ocean
2. Calm Seas Become The Squall
3. Lusitania, Shrouded In Mystery
4. Poseidon, Angered
5. Titanic, The First Victim
6. Valdez, Drunk Driving Is Punished On Water Also

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