Bright Calm Blue - Asymmetry Set

Bright Calm Blue - Asymmetry Set

Artist - Bright Calm Blue
Release - Asymmetry Set
Genre - Freestyle/Screamo/Math Rock/Dance Punk
Country - United States
Website -
mySpace -
Purevolume - Unknown
Lastfm -
Time - 34:02 Minutes
File Size - 46,75 Mb

Band Members:
Austin S - Bass/Vocal
Dustin W - Guitar
Javid D - Drums/Vocals
Mike B - Keyboard/Vocal

Past Member:
Ian Whitmore - Lead Vocal

1. A Tongue To Taste
2. Color Palette
3. My Fictions
4. Omelas
5. Share The Blame
6. The North Bottoms
7. Two For Treatment
8. Work To Learn

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