Various Artists - The Emo Diaries
Release - Chapter 7: Me Against The World
Genre - Emo
Country - United States
Website - http://www.deepelm.com/emodiaries
Time - 57:48 Minutes
File Size - 79,40 Mb
Me Against The World features unreleased songs by This Beautiful Mess, Before Braille, Time Spent Driving, Dorian, Drive Til Morning (ex-Pop Unknown), Halifax Code, One Starving Day (Italy), Seven Head Division, Tabula Rasa, The Killing Suspense, Two Weeks From Tomorrow and Waterpistol. Concentrating on new bands, not hype, just music and documenting the progression of a movement, The Emo Diaries has been praised as the best indie compilation series ever released. "The good people at Deep Elm have somehow again succeeded in assembling unreleased tracks into a body of work that burrows straight to your soul. Intensely moving stuff with warm textures, desolate atmospherics and soul-jarring dynamics. From crashing density to whispering introspection, this record not only serves as a picture perfect snapshot of the varying post-hardcore styles, but will introduce you to songs and bands that will stay with you for the rest of your life..." says Kerrang.
1. Tabula Rasa - "The Effects That Try"
2. Time Spent Driving - "Lowlight"
3. Before Braille - "Venom By Memory"
4. This Beautiful Mess - "Racing The Mosaic"
5. Dorian - "There Are Many Ways To and From..."
6. Halifax Code - "Karate Mansions"
7. Drive Til Morning - "Engine Roars Me To Sleep"
8. Seven Head Division - "One For The Money"
9. Waterpistol - "This Is What I Get"
10. The Killing Suspense - "Feel The Way I Do"
11. Two Weeks From Tomorrow - "Motorbike"
12. One Starving Day - "Animus"