Artist - The Dillinger Escape Plan
Release - Miss Machine
Genre - Mathcore/Hardcore/Metal/Alternative
Country - United States
Website - http://www.dillingerescapeplan.com
mySpace - http://www.myspace.com/dillingerescapeplan
Time - 40:00 Minutes
File Size - 63,66 Mb
Band Members:
Greg Puciato - Vocal
Ben Weinman - Guitar
Jeff Tuttle - Guitar
Liam Wilson - Bass
Gil Sharone - Drums
Past Members:
Dimitri Minakakis - Vocal
Mike Patton - Vocal/Samplers
Jeff Wood - Bass
Adam Doll - Bass
John Fulton - Guitar
Derek Brantley - Guitar
Chris Pennie - Drums
Brian Benoit - Guitar
1. Baby's First Coffin
2. Crutch Field Tongs
3. Highway Robbery
4. Panasonic Youth
5. Phone Home
6. Setting Fire To Sleeping Giants
7. Sunshine The Werewolf
8. The Perfect Design
9. Unretrofied
10. Van Damsel
11. We Are The Storm